Tales of epic fantasy, morally grey heroes, sympathetic villains, forbidden romances, and chilling monsters.

Knowledge & Necromancy

A historian, a mage, and a woman with a faith-changing secret meet in the midst of the most devastating war the Realm of Saebetia has ever seen.

Click here to learn more about my upcoming debut novel!


Want to read Realm of Saebetia flash fiction, rants, and writing updates? Click here!

The Flash Fiction category has things like last October’s 5-part serial ‘Ink On His Hands’, teasers for future novels, and small bits of writing exploring characters that appear throughout my other works.

In the Rants category you’ll find such gems like my rant about the global supply chain and the kind way to critique work that doesn’t push people out of the industry.

The Writing Updates category is pretty self-explanatory but here you’ll find updates to the novels and other projects I’m currently working on. Also, massive announcements will be posted here.

Pictures of Saebetia

For a gallery of art, maps, and HeroForge character concepts, click here. Despite the fact I’m not particularity adept at art, I am someone who loves visual references and I wanted a gallery to share some of my favourite and most inspiring/helpful images with people.