A story of forbidden magic, secret knowledge, and dangerous romance.

Knowledge & Necromancy will be the first book in the War of the Gods trilogy following three main characters as they discover the secrets of the gods and the Realm of Saebetia itself.


Kelani Oakbar is a Knowledge-Keeper, a historian whose passion lies in exploring the magic of Saebetia and how it connects to the gods. When she’s forced to go assist the war effort as the Kingdom of Krogia is besieged by the Kingdom of Traemid, she’ll have to make a choice between what she’s always wanted and the life being thrust upon her.

Silas Vasili is a mage harbouring a dangerous secret. He’s been levied to fight on the frontlines of the attack by Traemid, all the while trying to keep his peers from discovering just how different he is. Armed with a blood-stained grimoire and stalked by a goddess, he’ll have to learn that what’s right and what’s easy aren’t always the same thing.

Elena Everbloom is a caeles -a celestial being serving the Goddess of War- sent down to the mortal world along with her brother to bless Krogia in their fight against Traemid. Despite knowing the circumstances of her birth make her different, Elena just wants to keep her head down and make her mother proud. Instead, she finds herself having to confront not only her preconceived notions of the mortals, but the bloody war raging amongst the celestials and it’s meaning.