About Me


Hello! I’m Rachel Sikorski. Welcome to my website!

I’m a writer hailing from the lovely, flat plains of Saskatchewan, Canada. By day I work as a logistics coordinator in agriculture and by night I write fantasy stories of epic quests, dangerous worlds, and magical romance.

Nothing feels better to me than sitting in a coffee shop, laptop open, hot chocolate beside me as I pen words I hope someday will evoke emotions within the reader the way my favourite authors have done to me. Alternatively, I also enjoy writing in the dark, only lit by the glow of the computer screen and candles flickering the darkness, casting shadows through my office. A bit of a dichotomy, I’ll admit.

When not writing I enjoy listening to music (also while I’m writing), playing music, spending time with my cats and husband, reading, cooking, and playing video games.

I’ve been writing since I was little and even recently found the 20,000 word story I wrote when I was 11 (no one wants to see this, I was mortified -although it did explain a lot). My biggest inspirations when it comes to telling stories are Tolkien, Tamora Pierce, Jeaniene Frost, and Charles de Lint.