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Novel Update #2 - Working Titles

Let me start this by saying I don't think having a good title while writing a book is the most important thing. In fact, in a list of important things to consider when writing a book I don't even know if it makes the list. And yet, I have to call the book something. Thus, a working title is needed.

The title I had been using to refer to my book for the past while as I've worked on it is bad. So very, very bad. It didn't make grammatical sense or (actually) any sense based on the plot. It was a dumpster fire consisting of three words. Every time I opened the document to work on the story I saw the working title and was reminded that I couldn't think of anything better. So I thought of something better, instead of sleeping.

The problem with picking even a working title for a fantasy novel is that unfamiliar words can turn potentially interested readers away. My book is full of made-up place names and other words and I wanted to make sure I avoided them for the title. But I still wanted the title to be compelling and something someone might one day want to pick up off a shelf. Even though this is a working title, I still want it to be at least decent.

I also wanted it to be a title that tells you something about the actual plot or the characters or something with importance and meaning. In the end, I have picked, as a working title, Knowledge and Necromancy.

I'm quite happy with it. I don't cringe when I pull up the document and I think it tells people enough about the contents of the story. It definitely may change but as of right now I feel this is a much better representation of my work in progress.

Flash Fiction: Home (Pan)

Flash Fiction: Home (Pan)

Flash Fiction: The Harvester (Harvest)

Flash Fiction: The Harvester (Harvest)

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