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I Made A Blog!

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and my subsequent self-isolation, I decided to buckle down with writing the book I'm working on. It's actually going really well and I'm about 14,000 words in. The problem is that I also like working on smaller writing projects and sometimes I just want to write something entirely different. So that's what this blog is for. Mostly so I feel less guilty for working on a different project when I have a book to finish.

I guess this is as good of a place as any to remind people to stay home and flatten the curve. Seriously, do it.

It's been an odd thing, staring out my window today. I'm an introvert. I like staying in my house, I like being alone often. And yet, when the choice is taken from me, all I want to do is be able to choose to stay home or go out.

I picked up Animal Crossing: New Horizons from the Nintendo eshop (breaking a rule of mine to purchase physical copies whenever available but I'm self-isolating except to go to work). It's been fun so far, running around on my own little island. Paying off my house loan with fish and bugs and the dresser the alt-cat gave me. But it is relaxing and it keeps me occupied in times of overthinking and really could I ask for more right now?

I'm not quite sure what I want to do first. I think maybe a bit of poetry or like a 500-word drabble-thing because I just want to write something and then forget about it.

Last thing I just feel the need to mention. The lead singer for the pirate metal band Alestorm has a Twitch channel where he sits behind his keyboard and writes songs as his chat makes suggestions. So today I listened to him sing about how the thorny bushes around his house cut his arms up badly and so he wants to set them on fire. There was also a song about a rabid squirrel building him a new house with a hammer. And he finished it off with a song about a tractor on a bear. Best part? His real band sometimes sings about more outrageous things.

And that's where this all-over-the-place blog post ends. Welcome.

Poem: The Pond

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