Stillness, devoid of color
Not a ripple, a sign of life
Peace, solitude, loneliness, emptiness
Until a small movement
Breathes a memory
Hope, a start
Silence, crushed by color
Shattered for something better
Imperfect but real
Small changes give it away
A choice
An opportunity to bloom
Existence, floating on crystal
What is the worth of a life?
Better still,
What is the cost
To keep the flowers afloat?
Each flower grows only
With my hope, my fears, my love
This place, my leaf of grass
For it is all that I am
This place that is only mine
The calm before the storm
The crash
The storm
The monster
Overturn, sink, ruin
A piece that doesn’t belong
Now, the flowers, the colors
Sink, flood, cease
The growing life
But, even as the monster surfaces
Crashes down again,
But the life, the colors
Still exist
For me to raise up
My soul to be infinite.