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Flash Fiction: Letter to Abella (Shoemaker)

I've been listening to the new Nightwish album Human. :||: Nature really obsessively since it came out and it inspired me to write little flash fiction pieces loosely based on each song.

I'm going to be titling each flash fiction piece and then in brackets put the song that the piece was inspired by. I'll also be adding a YouTube link if anyone wants to listen to the song before reading. Here is the third song off Nightwish's new album that inspired this piece of flash fiction: Shoemaker

Letter to Abella

1101 AC
Realm of the Gods
In a valley outside of Zevax’s village

Dear Abella,

You have been gone only mere days and yet, I feel your absence more strongly with every passing moment. Your mother has not stopped weeping since I told the Creator his orders had been followed. Your father has locked himself away in his castle and will see no one. The other gods are quiet, unsure of how to react to your death.

I think the gift you gave me has shocked everyone. It is a gift I will treasure for the rest of my life, something to carry with me always. 

The others will no longer meet my eyes, I believe out of fear. The Creator allowed me to keep the sword and Nillioth gave me a new title, The Headtaker. It is a crass name but I do not care. They all can think what they like of me. I know what you wanted and I completed your last request, no matter how much it pained me to do so.

I do not know where your soul has gone. But I often wish I could follow. The Creator claims he does not know as well. I am not sure I believe him. After all, he allowed all of this to happen. I would like to believe that you are looking down at me from the stars. It is a place so out of reach even the Creator could not follow. You may be safe and happy there. It comforts me when the pain threatens to overwhelm.

I will miss you forever. We are not permitted to speak your name, I assume so the Creator's failure will not be remembered. Yet, I will not let you be forgotten. Your sacrifice will not be in vain.

Your friend, Canaan.

Novel Update #1 - 3rd Person Problems

On The Book I'm Writing

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