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Novel Update #1 - 3rd Person Problems

Sometimes I find myself wanting to talk about the different things I'm working on regarding the novel I'm writing. Due to that, I figured a little post just whenever I feel the need to update or rant or whatever would be fun. It also helps to keep me posting on this blog as I'm taking more time than I'd planned with the Harvest story.

So what have I been working on? Well, when I started with the idea for this book, I wrote a 4000-word scene that ended up being placed about halfway through the book. When I cut out the first chunk of the story a few weeks ago to make the story flow better, this 4000-word chunk became one of the first scenes for the new storyline. Fine, cool. Except when this scene was written, I was still planning to write the whole book in 3rd person omniscient. I scrapped that idea a while back because I realized how much I hated writing in that so now the book is 3rd person limited with four main characters.

I bet you can see where this is going. So I've been spending an ungodly amount of time changing the scene from omniscient to limited. I'm not quite done but almost there.

I think part of the reason this is taking me so long is because this scene was also written before I had a super firm grasp on the smaller plot points. I've found myself stopping to add or remove paragraphs so it fits better with the rest of the planned book. It's been tedious and has made me feel like I'm losing momentum even though I know it is important I finish this section. I don't want to just skip this part and then return to fix it later even though I know that might be a good way of keeping the momentum going.

The way I see it, this section doesn't have to be good. It's the first draft and as long as something is there to move the plot, I can worry about the smaller details later. So I'm just powering through, motivated that I get to write on of my favorite character meetings next.

That's been an unexpected benefit to being kinda stuck at this scene. In moments where my mind wanders but I can't be writing, I've been planning out exactly how I want the next scenes to go. Due to that, here's hoping the next bit is a lot faster to write.

Flash Fiction: The Harvester (Harvest)

Flash Fiction: The Harvester (Harvest)

Flash Fiction: Letter to Abella (Shoemaker)

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