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Novel Update #3 - a General Update

Novel Update #3 - a General Update

I realized it's been quite a while since I made any kind of update about the novel I'm working on. I've actually been working on a couple different projects alongside my novel.

The biggest thing other than the novel is, of course, the short stories I've been writing and published in anthologies with HHBS Publishing. It's been a wonderful experience so far with two anthologies published and a third releasing April 1st. I'll probably end up writing a whole blog post about this experience at some point but for now I am so grateful to Carrie for facilitating all of this and all the other authors for their support.

I have also been going hard on trying to finish the first draft of my fantasy novel. I'm aiming for end of April to start editing. It's going well so far and I think I am on-track to meet this goal.

I also recently made a proper outline for my novel which is more detailed than my outlines normally are. However, with this book I have so many characters and things that intertwine I wanted to make sure I knew where certain important interactions needed to go.

After working on this for quite a while, I can now saw I'm pretty much done. I know there will be more things to happen within the chapters as I write them but I'm happy with the basic plot & character beats that are now written down.

Also, I just have to share my favorite note to myself I made. I want to clarify that with all my plot notes and such I am the only one who sees them so maybe I'm the only one that thought it was funny. This was a note made for Chapter 39, "Elion reunites with Ahilya and they bang, much to Raord’s displeasure."

Also, as I write this messy, MESSY first draft, the characters are being incredibly rude to each other. This is one of my favorite chunks so far:

Raord glanced behind him and said, "Elion, take the rear."

"Right, our mage is only useful if he doesn't get killed in an ambush."

The fiend flashed him a humorless smile of all teeth. "Careful Elion, or my next spell might just go off target and hit you."

Anyways, random chunks of writing aside, it feels good to have such a solid plan in place now. I am feeling very optimistic about my progress and the journey so far.

*artwork made with Artbreeder*

Falling Into A Spring Sky Anthology!

Falling Into A Spring Sky Anthology!

Flash Fiction: Ferne (Endlessness)

Flash Fiction: Ferne (Endlessness)

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