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Falling Into A Spring Sky Anthology!

Falling Into A Spring Sky Anthology!

I realize I've been gone for a little while. But! We published a new anthology! I'm a little late to the game talking about it on here a month and a half after publication, but oh well.

I'm so excited about this anthology, and I'm so happy with the story I am telling.

As I get further and further with my very first full-length novel (feels like I'm going at a bit of a snail's pace), I've found more and more small stories I want to tell; Side characters who have their own lives and struggles that will never see the light of day within the confines of the novel. I like writing short stories and exploring these characters.

Everything I've written (so far) is connected in one way or another, and my hope is always someone will read different pieces of mine and be excited to see connections between one story and another.

That is ultimately what this latest anthology story is. It is a story that on its own weaves a tragic tale of love and sacrifice. It connects heavily to many of my other works and, in some ways, is the very beginning point of this world I've been writing in.

I really feel like this story ties a lot together in a bundle of threads that should (if I do the novel correctly) weave together and create a complete picture.

If you want to pick up the latest anthology, you can do so here.

Here's a teaser:

Through the Rainbow Anthology

Through the Rainbow Anthology

Novel Update #3 - a General Update

Novel Update #3 - a General Update

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