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Through the Rainbow Anthology

Through the Rainbow Anthology

Our newest anthology is out! Get the ebook copy here!

It features 6 stories that celebrate Pride in different forms. All proceeds from the anthology go toward The Trevor Project. The Trevor Project is a great charity which provides support, specifically focusing on suicide prevention, for LGBTQ youth in the USA.

The story I submitted for this anthology, 'Sunsets', is probably my favorite thing I've written to date. It tells the tale of how two of my characters met and began to fall in love. 'Sunsets' follows Leta, Fate's Prophet, as she meets Shael (protagonist of my other short story 'In His Lifetime', found here) and the two find they have a connection.

Here is my teaser:

I'm so excited to share this story with everyone and I hope you read it and enjoy!

Flash Fiction: Fear (Blood)

Flash Fiction: Fear (Blood)

Falling Into A Spring Sky Anthology!

Falling Into A Spring Sky Anthology!

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