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On The Topic Of Support

On The Topic Of Support

For anyone who knows me in real life, you might know that Sunday was my 1st wedding anniversary. One year ago, we got married in my parents' backyard in a "Covid wedding" with under 15 guests all spread out on the lawn. It was perfect, and reflecting on it a year later, I can honestly say I wouldn't change a thing.

But, this blog post isn't about my wedding last year or this year's anniversary. Rather, this day gave me the perfect opportunity to reflect on the topic of support of my writing from friends and family and its impact.

It feels like there are so many stories of aspiring or even successful authors being surrounded by people telling them writing is a waste of time or that they'll never make it in the industry. I think it's the reality of any creative venture that someone, somewhere, will shit on your creative goals. I don't really want to speculate on why this is; that's a vast topic that I think doesn't have a simple answer.

What I do want to talk about is the importance of friends and family who support you. I've been fortunate that the ratio of people shitting on my dreams to people encouraging me is easily 1/20. The people in my life are supportive and excited for me, beyond my wildest dreams. It makes me feel so blessed, and I am forever grateful to each and every one of you.

I don't know if my anniversary has just made me a bit sappy, but I wanted to express that as I continue my writing journey. It can be a challenging and/or lonely road without support and people cheering for your success, and I'm so happy I don't have to do it alone. <3

Now back to writing!

Flash Fiction: The Shipbreaker

Flash Fiction: The Shipbreaker

New! Lovers Beyond Midnight - A Paranormal Romance Anthology

New! Lovers Beyond Midnight - A Paranormal Romance Anthology

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