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Flash Fiction: The Shipbreaker

Flash Fiction: The Shipbreaker

Last weekend I had a Pirates of the Caribbean movie marathon and even though I actually wrote a draft of this over a month ago, I came back to it after watching those movies. I just love high seas adventures and maybe one day I'll really throw my hat into the ring with it, but until then, just a little flash fiction:

The Shipbreaker

Year 6504 AC
2 Days from the Litchtos Isles
The Crystal Straight

A mighty wave rocked the ship, and Elwin barely managed to throw himself out of the way as an unsecured barrel rolled past him and hit the rail. The sea was angry. It was as if the world had exploded in unbridled rage and swirling water, all centered on his ship. 

He felt the deck pitch again and watched in horror as one of his crew lost their footing and fell overboard, their screams lost to the crashing waves.

He gripped the mast, clinging for life. It was futile; he knew that. They were all going to die in this unnatural storm. It had been sunny only an hour ago, with everyone celebrating a successful journey. The route from Wirrowwir to the Litchtos Isles could be perilous -unnamed monsters were said to sink ships closer to the isles- but they'd succeeded and would make a fortune.

Then they killed the stowaway.

In killing her, the luminous woman who'd been hiding on the ship since they'd left the isles, they'd doomed themselves.

Only moments after Pitt's blade had struck her down, the deck smeared red with her blood, the sky had darkened, and the sea had started to roil. Elwin had known at that moment they'd all sinned and would see retribution for it. Still, he hadn't expected the swift retaliation or the utter destruction of his ship.

The distinct crack of the hull breaking that Elwin had only ever heard in his nightmares, sounded and the ship lurched again.

Distantly, he could hear a bellowing above the raucous and gushing waves. It was a cry filled with immeasurable pain and suffering, similar to the screams from his crew, only louder. It was as if the noise was digging into his skull, the inside of his head vibrating with sound. It sent white-hot flashes of pain across his eyes.

Waves were overtaking the deck. The ship was sinking; of that, there was no doubt.

He briefly entertained praying to Sido, God of the Sea, and touched the God-Mark on the side of his neck. He prayed fervently for assistance, some kind of miracle but stopped as the ship pitched again. If Sido was going to help, he would've by now. They were doomed, consigned to a watery grave.

Another large swell rocked the ship, and it started to tip in earnest.

Elwin felt his hands sliding on the wet mast, and as the ship continued to fall, he lost his grip and plunged toward the sea below.

He hit the water hard with no time to recover before a wave crashed down upon his head. 

Panic consumed him as he lost sense of direction; nothing but dark water surrounded him, pulling him down.

Elwin could feel himself sinking, but he did not know anymore which way to swim. His chest grew tight with the need for air.

Instead of a lung full of air, he swallowed water.

Despair replaced the panic, but there was no more he could do, the water got darker, and he sank.

Novel Update #4 - Antagonists

Novel Update #4 - Antagonists

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