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Sunsets - Deleted Scene

Sunsets - Deleted Scene

A day late! I'm really excited to share this deleted scene from my short story 'Sunsets', for sale in an anthology here. I couldn't find a good place to fit it in that didn't lead to more questions but it's short and cute and I really wanted to share it.

Picture made with Heroforge. <3


Year 6406 AC
Aeppia, the Realm of the Gods
Outside Vagas’ Palace

Leta stepped out of Vagas' palace feeling drained. She hated having to tell him all about her visions. Most of the time, he dismissed whatever she had to say, as if pretending she was lying would stop the inevitable destruction.

"Leta!" A voice called out to her.

She looked around to see Shael walking towards her, and she couldn't help the way her heart leaped.

She inclined her head in greeting, willing her heartbeat to slow even as Shael drew nearer.

Shael stopped barely an arm's length away. She was in a long, colorful robe she must have gotten from the mortals. It flowed from over her shoulders and cinched at her waist before falling down into two pieces of cloth at the back and front, creating a long slit starting at her upper thigh on each leg.

"How are you doing?" she asked.

Leta shrugged, mind flashing back to yet another disappointing conversation with the God of Fate. "About as good as a meeting with Vagas normally makes me feel."

A sympathetic smile crossed Shael's face. "Meetings with Nillioth are much the same."

"How are your first few weeks as the Harvester?"

"Alright," she chuckled a little, "I still haven't quite figured out flying yet, though. Ras didn't quite get to teaching me, and Canaan isn't a lot of help." Her face dropped slightly. Caeles who became Council members were given wings as a gift from their respective god, and with Ras' death, Shael hadn't had much time to be taught.

"It took me quite a while to figure it out, too. Want a few pointers?" Leta offered. She wasn't thrilled with the shape her wings had taken, so she didn't like to show them too often, but the thought of spending more time with Shael was tempting.

"I'd like that."

The pair reached one of the fields outside Vagas' village and Leta turned to Shael.

"Your wings are golden, right?"

Shael laughed, and it warmed Leta's heart. "It's a little creepy how you know these things." She said as she let loose her wings, lighting up the area with a golden light that rivaled the setting sun.

She twirled around, letting the wings flutter in the slight breeze. "I showed you mine," Shael trailed off with a crooked smile.

Leta smiled back and let her wings fold out, bathing the area in a dark blue wash that almost overshadowed the golden light. Her wings were a deep azure with long claws on the top and rippling, shredded bottoms.

Shael didn't say anything for a moment as she stared at Leta's wings.

The Prophet shifted, feeling her wings twitch at the movement. "Alright, now show me what you've managed so far."

Shael's wings started to shimmer and flutter as she began to lift off the ground. "This is about all I've been able to do consistently," she said.

Leta left her wings flap to lift her upwards toward Shael. "It's good progress. It takes a long time to master them." She dropped her voice and continued, "Never tell anyone, but it took Sybil over 200 years to be able to use hers properly."

Shael threw her head back in laughter. Her wings shuddered, and she dropped slightly with a shriek.

Leta's hand flew out to grab Shael's. "I've got you; we'll take it slow."

Goals For 2022

Goals For 2022

'Ink On His Hands' Retrospective

'Ink On His Hands' Retrospective

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