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Goals For 2022

Goals For 2022

Happy New Years!

I hope everyone had a fun and safe holiday season and are ready to jump into 2022. While logically I know that the new year is pretty arbitrary in the grand scheme of things, the world doesn't suddenly change it's rules just because it's a new year. I can't help but feel excitement at the prospect of a clean slate, so to speak.

This is particularly true in regards to my writing. I have all these goals and ideas and while the days of 2021 slipped past, it was easy to say "I'll make up the word count tomorrow" or "well I won't be able to finish x thing so why start".

I've never been a huge fan of New Years Resolutions for myself because I always had the thought of "why wouldn't I just start the thing now if I want it?" Why wait until a new year (new month, new week, etc) to reach out for what I want?

Truth is, this year I made some. I can't say I won't fail, I might. I have a bad habit of letting things get in the way and pull me down and distract me. But I can promise I'll try. I wanted to share my resolutions, and more importantly, my 2022 writing goals as I'm hoping that putting it out there will make them feel more real, like something I've actually committed to.

New Year's Resolutions:

  • Write every day - even if I don't meet my intended word count, every word on the page is a small step forward
  • No lying to myself - no saying I'll make up my word count tomorrow when I know I probably won't

And that's it for resolutions (relating to writing). Simple, clean, and hopefully effective.

As for what I've got coming down the pipe in 2022? See below for my goals:

  1. Get my first full-length novel, 'Knowledge & Necromancy', finished and published.
    • outline finished
    • 56,000 words of an approx. 136,000 word draft done
  2. Publish my first short story collection, 'Tales From Saebetia, Volume 1'.
    • reworks of 15 short stories/flash fictions I've published/uploaded to various places as well as 5 never-before-seen works
    • main bulk of stories are done
    • currently about 44,000 words
    • each entry will have author's notes at the back about each story
  3. Publish my second full-length novel, 'Power & Pyromancy', sequel to the first (title not confirmed).
    • outline is partially done
  4. Finally start posting weekly on this blog with ruminations, flash fiction, and novel updates.
    • I spent literal hours brainstorming content for this blog, there's no excuse now
  5. Lastly, there are a few very special projects in the works, not sure if they'll come to fruition this year as the timing with other people may not work out
    • I can really only talk about one right now and that is a Dungeons & Dragons 5th Ed module tentatively called 'Cult of Ice' I'm working on with my husband

That's it! It's a lot and getting it all done will be tough but I'm determined. The way I see it, even if I only really get one of these things done (even partially), it is still progress and I'll be proud of myself.

I love writing. I love telling stories. Even more so, I love sharing my stories with people. If this year, I share even one flash fiction that someone somewhere loves, I've succeeded in doing what I set out to do (but it'd be cool to hit a few of these milestones this year).

Thanks for reading. I hope you have an awesome start to 2022 and I'll see you in a week! ;)

Character Voice Practice - Cas

Character Voice Practice - Cas

Sunsets - Deleted Scene

Sunsets - Deleted Scene

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